On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 18:04 -0700, Mario Zorz wrote:
> Hi all
> Thanks in advance to whomever reads this :)
> Is it possible in a django view, to take objects from 2 different
> models, which are related one to the other through a ForeignKey
> (primary key of one model is foreign key in the other model), make
> something similar to an SQL JOIN and have the collection of these
> joined instances passed to the template through the render_to_response
> shortcut? I need to do this specifically to show fields from both
> models in the same template/view.

This is exactly the situation covered by the tutorial ([1]), where the
Choice model is relate to the Poll model by a ForeignKey. Displaying
polls and related choices is covered in part 3, the models are set up in
part 1.

[1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/

You didn't skip doing the tutorial did you?



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