On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 07:40 -0700, knight wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install django application on CentOS 5 and I'm getting
> this error, when I go to the admin page:
> ImportError: Could not import settings 'mx30.settings' (Is it on
> sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): No module named mx30.settings
> my httpd.conf looks like this:
> LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
> <Location "/peergw">
> SetHandler python-program
> PythonPath "['/home/reeptv1'] + sys.path"

Does the mx30/ directory live under /home/reeptv1/ ?

Does Apache have permission to read it? You will need "other" execute
("x") permissions on all the directories  leading down to the files
Apache needs to read, assuming they're not owned by the user running
httpd or in the same Unix group, etc. That is, check the permissions
on /home, /home/reeptv1, and /home/reeptv1/mx30 . Similarly check that
the settings file is readable by Apache (the "other" set should have "r"

Those are the first two on the list of most common problems in this


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