On 14 Mar, 04:30, Malcolm Tredinnick <malc...@pointy-stick.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 21:27 -0700, Flank wrote:
> > in order to use django/conf/urls/defaults.py, handler404, i did 2
> > things:
> > 1:change DEBUG = False in settings.py
> > 2:create a 404.html template in the root of the template directory
> > when i request a page that won't find ,such 
> > ashttp://localhost/page_don_exist.html.a
> > http 500 error is reported,

As you've got DEBUG off, you won't see the traceback on screen. You
need to make sure you've set ADMINS correctly, as in this case you
normally get sent an email detailing what went wrong - as you'd see on-
screen if DEBUG were True.

You might also want to check Django can send email successfully. There
are a few settings you might need to tweak.
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