Sorry, I can't help you here, since I don't create classes
at runtime (*). I think using __init__() is better, and I guess
you can solve your problem with it, too.

(*) type('ContactForm', (forms.BaseForm, ), { 'base_fields': fields})

Marek W schrieb:
> Thanks for your response. Probably the reason was I didn't update a
> database, because now(after making syncdb) it works correctly. But by the
> time I've found a second problem:
> while to create a dynamic form this way:
> def make_car_form(extra):
>     fields = { 'carType' : forms.CharField() }
>     if extra:
>         fields['extraField'] = forms.CharField()
>     return type('ContactForm', (forms.BaseForm, ), { 'base_fields': fields
> })
> View method:
> (...)
>     carForm = make_car_form(True)
> (...)
> then on the page there aren't any fields, whether calling make_car_form with
> extra=True or extra=False.

Thomas Guettler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

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