
book2.publisher is an attribute which was created before you deleted it.
If you get book2 again from Book.objects, this attribute would not exist

I have not looked at the underlaying django source, but I guess that
remove(obj) removes the attribute from obj.

But clear() can't do this, since it does not have a reference to all
affected objects.


Margie schrieb:
> It seems to me there is an inconsistency between clear() and remove
> ().  After a remove() I find that the related object set no longer
> contains the specified object (as expected), and the specified object
> also no longer points to the related set (this also is what I'd
> expect).  However, in the case of clear(), I find that the related
> object set is now cleared out (as I'd expect), but the objects that
> used to be in the set still point to the set (not what I'd expect).
> Is this difference intentional?
> I also find that after exiting the shell and then going back in, now
> the objects that used to be in the set no longer point to the set.
> IE, the inconsistent clear behavior goes away if I exit the django
> shell and then re-enter.
> class Publisher(models.Model):
>     name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> class Book(models.Model):
>     title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>     publisher = models.ForeignKey(Publisher, blank=True, null=True)
>>>> pub = Publisher.objects.create(name="pub1")
>>>> book1 = pub.book_set.create(title="title1")
>>>> pub.book_set.all()
> [<Book: title1>]
>>>> book2 = pub.book_set.create(title="title2")
>>>> pub.book_set.all()
> [<Book: title1>, <Book: title2>]
>>>> book1.publisher
> <Publisher: pub1>
>>>> book2.publisher
> <Publisher: pub1>
> # after using remove() to remove book1, book1.publisher is empty
>>>> pub.book_set.remove(book1)
>>>> book1.publisher
>>>> pub.book_set.all()
> [<Book: title2>]
> # Now book2 references pub.  After using clear(), book2.publisher
> still references pub
> # This seems inconsistent with the remove() behavior above.
>>>> pub.book_set.clear()
>>>> book2.publisher
> <Publisher: pub1>
> Any comments from those in-the-know?
> Margie

Thomas Guettler, http://www.thomas-guettler.de/
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de

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