One research project can have many publications.  One model includes
the research projects, one model includes the publications and a third
model assigns multiple publications to each research project.
The model:
class Researchproject(models.Model):
    restitle = models.TextField()

class Publication(models.Model):
    pubtitle = models.TextField()

class Researchpublications(models.Model):
    researchproject = models.ForeignKey(Researchproject)
    publication = models.ForeignKey(Publication)

In the the research projects are selected and appended into a
list called:

In the view I created this statement:
(researchpublications__researchproject=research_list), which doesn't
get any errors, but also doesn't seem to do what I need it to do.

In the template a research project should show all the publications
associated with it.  The template:
   {{ respublications }}  gives this [] as the result.  I need to grab

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

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