Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Mar 24, 8:58 pm, Tonu Mikk <tm...@umn.edu> wrote:
>> I posted this on djangothreadedcomments list some days ago, but did not
>> get a response.  Perhaps django users can help me out?
>> Hello, I am attempting to get threaded comments to work on a shared
>> bookmarking application.  It seems that I am almost there, but when I
>> post the comment, I get the following error: "This XML file does not
>> appear to have any style information associated with it. The document
>> tree is shown below."
>> I copied the relevant parts of the application to dpaste.com including
>> models, views and template:  http://dpaste.com/16206/.  Perhaps
>> someone may be able to spot a problem in my application.
>> Thank you!
>> Tonu
> I don't know anything about djangothreadedcomments, but the reason
> you're getting XML is clear from the code you've posted. Your form is
> submitting to whatever the {% get_free_comment_url_xml shared_bookmark
> %} tag resolves to - and going by the name, this is presumably a view
> that returns XML.
> Why do you want to return XML? Is there supposed to be an AJAX handler
> in here somewhere? If you don't want XML, use a view that doesn't
> return XML.
Thanks Daniel, eliminating the  "_xml" part from {% 
get_free_comment_url_xml shared_bookmark %} tag fixed the issue.  I 
wonder if the reason the why django threaded comments creators had the 
xml piece in their template was for troubleshooting purposes.  It works 
as expected without it.


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