Using sphinx for search in my django app and whilst it's great I can't
seem to get any date filtering happening. Sphinx conf is fairly

source event_event_en : base
        # main document fetch query
        # mandatory, integer document ID field MUST be the first selected
        sql_query                               = \
 SELECT yadda ya..., UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_time) as date_time, yaddy
ya... FROM event_event
        sql_query_info          = SELECT * FROM event_event WHERE id=$id
    # ForeignKeys
    sql_attr_uint    = category_id
    sql_attr_uint    = venue_id
    sql_attr_uint    = event_type
    sql_attr_uint    = artist_id
    sql_attr_uint    = delivery_days
    sql_attr_uint    = region
    sql_attr_uint    = event_status

    # DateFields
    sql_attr_timestamp   = date_time

And in my search view I have a simple filter (which is where I think
the problem lies):

if date == "next30":
       results = queryset.filter(date_time>=(

(Attempting to pull future dates just to see something happen)

Where am I going wrong?


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