You don't say whether you are using mod_python, mod_wsgi or fastcgi.
Knowing may be important.


On Mar 31, 11:59 am, dls <> wrote:
> I'm running a Django blog on Webfaction using the Byteflow engine, and
> I'm having an issue where this url:
> works fine on my development server (the default Django dev server),
> but triggers a 404 error on the real Apache server. My site has been
> running for a while now, so I feel fairly confident that the basic
> things are set up correctly (ie: database, views, settings, etc..)
> Below is the for the blog application (modified to remove
> unrelated lines):
> from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.views.generic import date_based
> from blog import views
> from blog.models import Post
> info = {
>     'paginate_by': settings.PAGINATE_BY,
>     }
> info_dict_year = {
>     'queryset': Post.objects.all(),
>     'date_field': 'date',
>     'template_name': 'blog/post_archive_year.html',
> }
> urlpatterns = patterns(
>     '',
>     url(r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/$', date_based.archive_year,
> info_dict_year, name="year_archive"),
>     url(r'^$', views.post_list, info, name="post_list"),
>     )
> any ideas about how this would work on a development server, but break
> on the real server?
> Thanks!
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