What do you have 'django.root' option set to in Apache configuration
related to mod_python?


On Apr 3, 9:23 am, John Baker <j...@jdiligence.com> wrote:
> I have a strange problem with simple RSS feeds. It works fine locally
> on my development machine but when I deploy to the test server running
> through mod_python on port :81 the blog item links miss out the port
> number and so don't work.
> Test server with new RSS code..http://www.adrem.uk.com:81/feeds/blog/
> The links become (cutting out the port 
> number!!!)http://www.adrem.uk.com/blog/79/
> Here are code snippets.. Help! Anyone got any ideas?? It is pretty
> strange..
> --
> feeds = {
>     'blog': BlogFeed,
>     'jobs': JobsFeed,}
> --
>    (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed',
> {'feed_dict': feeds}),
>    (r'^blog/(?P<newsitem_id>\d+)/$', adrem.views.news_item),
> --
> class BlogFeed(Feed):
>     title = "www.adrem.uk.comblog rss feed"
>     link = settings.SITE_BASE
>     description = "The latest adrem blogs"
>     def items(self, obj):
>        return NewsItem.objects.order_by('-posted')[:20]
> --
> class NewsItem(models.Model):
>     category          = models.ForeignKey(NewsCategory)
>     show_in_all       = models.BooleanField(default=False,
> help_text="This only applies to the two original news categories (main
> and dreamspace)")
>     posted            = models.DateField()
>     headline          = models.CharField(max_length=200)
>     story             = models.TextField()
>     primary_picture   = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads/model/
> newsitem_pictures/", blank=True, null=True)
>     secondary_picture = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads/model/
> newsitem_pictures/", blank=True, null=True)
>     def get_absolute_url(self):
>         return urlresolvers.reverse("adremsite.adrem.views.news_item",
> kwargs={"newsitem_id": self.id})
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return "%s: %s" % (self.posted, self.headline)
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