Now I have revise the code as follow:
The as_leaf_class():
    def as_leaf_class(self):
        content_type = self.content_type
        model = content_type.model_class()
        if (model == Product):
            return self
            obj = model.objects.get(
            return obj
            return None
        #return model.objects.get(
The __iter__() and __getitem__():
    def __getitem__(self, k):
        result = super(SubclassingQuerySet, self).__getitem__(k)
        if isinstance(result, models.Model):
            alc = result.as_leaf_class()
            if alc:
               return alc
            #return result.as_leaf_class()
            return result

    def __iter__(self):
        for item in super(SubclassingQuerySet, self).__iter__():
            alc = item.as_leaf_class()
            if alc:
                yield item.as_leaf_class()

Is this solution correct?

On Apr 4, 8:19 pm, TTear1943 <> wrote:
> I use a snippet in my
> Model inheritance. It works fine at the first.However, after I delete
> some elements in database, the code works wrong.
> As I debug, I found that the problem resides in the method:
> as_leaf_class.
> In the following code:
>     def as_leaf_class(self):
>         content_type = self.content_type
>         model = content_type.model_class()
>  (1*)       if(model == Contact):
>             return self
> (2*)        return model.objects.get(
> when query a deleted object, line (1*) will be False, So it tries to
> run line (2*) which raise an exception from get()
> Anyone could give a solution for this?
> The snippets I use is following:
> Model inheritance with content type and inheritance-aware manager
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
> from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
> class SubclassingQuerySet(QuerySet):
>     def __getitem__(self, k):
>         result = super(SubclassingQuerySet, self).__getitem__(k)
>         if isinstance(result, models.Model) :
>             return result.as_leaf_class()
>         else :
>             return result
>     def __iter__(self):
>         for item in super(SubclassingQuerySet, self).__iter__():
>             yield item.as_leaf_class()
> class MealManager(models.Manager):
>     def get_query_set(self):
>         return SubclassingQuerySet(self.model)
> class Meal (models.Model) :
>     name = models.TextField(max_length=100)
>     content_type = models.ForeignKey
> (ContentType,editable=False,null=True)
>     objects = MealManager()
>     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
>         if(not self.content_type):
>             self.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model
> (self.__class__)
>             super(Meal, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
>     def as_leaf_class(self):
>         content_type = self.content_type
>         model = content_type.model_class()
>         if (model == Meal):
>             return self
>         return model.objects.get(
> class Salad (Meal) :
>     too_leafy = models.BooleanField(default=False)
>     objects = MealManager()
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