First let me mention I am on sqlite3!  Perhaps it doesn't support
this? I do not know much about the various sql db interfaces, so I
have no idea what supports what ..

I've actually sort of lost track at this point of what I was
originally trying to do.  But here's some more information on the
general issue, with the output from as_sql() for the case that seems
to not work.  Let me know if you still think it is a bug and I will
post it.

>>> Tile.objects.all()
[<Tile: ll_1>, <Tile: ll_2>, <Tile: ll_3>, <Tile: ll_4>]

# When I filter based on Tile.objects.all()[0] I get an error - it's
not interable.  This seems reasonable
>>> PdTask.objects.filter(tiles__in=Tile.objects.all()[0])
TypeError: 'Tile' object is not iterable

# So instead I'll put the rhs of tiles_in into a list to find all
PdTask objects that have tile 'll_1' in their tiles m2m field
# This returns two tasks (the first named 'foo', the second happens to
have no name)
>>> PdTask.objects.filter(tiles__in=[Tile.objects.all()[0]])
[<PdTask: foo>, <PdTask: >]

# Now do the same thing using the slice Tile.objects.all()[0:1]. I
think this should return the same two pdtasks, but it returns empty
[<PdTask: foo>, <PdTask: >]
>>> PdTask.objects.filter(tiles__in=Tile.objects.all()[0:1])

# Here's the sql query generated for the above example:
>>> PdTask.objects.filter(tiles__in=Tile.objects.all()[0:1]).query.as_sql()
('SELECT "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."id",
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."created", "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."modified",
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."name", "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."deadline",
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."owner_id", "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."status",
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."result", "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."forum_id",
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."chip_id", "pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."stage_id"
FROM "pdtaskmanager_pdtask" INNER JOIN "pdtaskmanager_pdtask_tiles" ON
("pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."id" =
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask_tiles"."pdtask_id") WHERE
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask_tiles"."tile_id" IN (SELECT U0."id" FROM
"chipmanager_tile" U0 LIMIT 1) ORDER BY
"pdtaskmanager_pdtask"."deadline" DESC', ())


On Apr 16, 12:15 am, Malcolm Tredinnick <>
> On Thu, 2009-04-16 at 00:01 -0700, Margie wrote:
> > Ah - ok, cool, good to know.  I am on 1.1 pre-alpha SVN-9814.
> Hmm .. then maybe there's an actual problem there. The ability to use
> nested querysets was added in r9701 (with a few bug fixes in subsequent
> patches). I only said 1.1-beta as a rough reference point, as opposed to
> 1.0.X.
> Might be worth having a look at the SQL that is being generated to see
> what's going on there. Maybe I've screwed up limits or something (I
> can't really stop to test this myself right now, as I'm still at work).
> Have a look at the output of
> PdTask.objects.filter(tiles__in=pdTask.objects.all()[0]).query.as_sql()
> and see if it looks broken in any obvious fashion. If so, feel free to
> open a ticket (assign it to "mtredinnick" so I'll remember to look at it
> on the weekend). You shoudl still try a slightly later version
> (something around beta-1) just to check it wasn't fixed by some of the
> later tweaks in that area, but I'm now a bit suspicious that something
> is going wrong.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
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