On Tue, 2009-04-21 at 11:51 -0700, adrian wrote:
> I want to have an inclusion tag that builds a menu system, which has a
> default config.
> default_config = [list of dicts here]
> @register.inclusion_tag('_nav_leftmenu.html')
> def nav_leftmenu(menu_config=default_config):
>     # build stuff here to display menu system
>     return {'menu_html': menu_html}
> I use this tag in my base.html as follows:
> {% load nav_leftmenu %}
>     {%  nav_leftmenu menu_config %}
> This works fine but only if menu_config is defined in the view and
> passed in the context to base.html.   If it is not defined, django
> throws an error even though I have defined the menu_config argument as
> optional.
> Is there a way to do this (other than context processor)?   Thanks

You can write tags that take optional arguments. Django contains a
number of them. However, the inclusion_tag() shortcut is not designed to
handle that case. But that's fine. It's a shortcut for one particular
common case. You aren't using that case, so it's the wrong tool for that
job. Write a normal template tag and you can handle the argument
processing however you like. That's documented in the template tags for
Python programmers documentation.


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