On Thu, 2009-04-23 at 21:23 -0700, Francis wrote:
> Hi, I'm using dojo (also tried with jquery) to send json data to my
> django application.
> But I can't get it working properly.

The trick to understanding is to think how are you sending the data? In
particular, what MIME type is being used? Django's HttpRequest.POST
variable is only set up to handle HTML form encoded data -- either
application/x-www-form-encoded or multipart/form-data is there are file
uploaded involved. I doubt very much that the JSON data is being sent
with those encodings. Which means that your assumption to use
request.POST isn't valid.

Instead, pass the submitted data -- obtained via request.raw_post_data
-- to a JSON -> Python converter (such as simplejson.decodestring()) and
then pass that dictionary into the form.


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