On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 16:18 -0700, Joshua Partogi wrote:
> On Apr 25, 8:20 am, Konstantin S <ktechli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I am planning to deploy django based site on a limited VPS and want to
> > know which database is more suitable for this ? If I've had a 'normal'
> > hardware I'd vote for the PostgreSQL but maybe in case of limited
> > resources MySQL would be a better choice. What do you think ?
> How limited is limited? Perhaps you can give us numbers about your
> hardware resources. Currently I'm runnning Postgres on a 'limited'
> resources VPS and the performance is not that different compared to
> MySQL. 

This isn't really the right list for this unless there's some Django
content involved. If you're wondering if your Django project will work
in that space, the answer is try it and see. Changing from MySQL to
PostgreSQL in the development phase isn't really that hard.

> I think django was originally built with postgres in the first
> place and that is why it is more fine tuned for postgres.

Except Django isn't more "fine-tuned" for PostgreSQL. If anything, there
are more database-specific hacks in the code for MySQL. In fact,
depending on how you measure things, there is more attention to MySQL in
the general code than Oracle and Oracle has pretty much it's own
Queryset implementation! Seems to be a common misconception that MySQL
is some kind of second-class citizen when we spend hundreds of hours
supporting it. It certainly has limitations, but those are database
limitations, not Django ones (all databases have limitations, that isn't
a property unique to MySQL, although it's easier to hit a lot of the
MySQL ones).


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