On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 7:02 PM, aaronelliotross <aa...@wawd.com> wrote:

> Ah ha! It's triggered by ForeignKey columns, creating a super simple
> project ( no db data, no nothin' ) with this models.py shows the
> problem.

This sounds like:


which was fixed a few months ago.  The fix will be in both 1.1 and the next
1.0.X bugfix release.


> $ django-admin.py startproject docstring
> $ cd docstring/
> $ django-admin.py startapp users
> Edit users/models.py to be:
> from django.db import models
> class User(models.Model):
>   """ This is my user class. """
>   name = models.CharField()
> class Address(models.Model):
>   """ This is my address class. """
>   user = models.ForeignKey(User)
>   city = models.CharField()
> $ python manage.py shell
> >>> import users.models
> >>> help(users.models.User)
> Help on class User in module users.models:
> User = <class 'users.models.User'>
> Talk to you soon,
> On May 11, 8:02 pm, aaronelliotross <aa...@wawd.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to track down a confusing problem with pydoc and my Django
> > models. I'm hoping it's something obvious that I'm overlooking.
> >
> > The problem is that pydoc and friends simply return the default Django
> > docstring, e.g.
> >
> > [aaron]$ DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings pydoc
> > core.subscriptions.Subscription
> >
> > Help on class Subscription in core.subscriptions:
> >
> > core.subscriptions.Subscription = <class
> > 'core.subscriptions.Subscription'>
> >
> > While core/subscriptions.py has, among other things:
> >
> > class Subscription(models.Model):
> >     """
> >     Each subscription is a user and a list, indicating a user's
> > subscription
> >     to that list.
> >     """
> >
> > I've tried to recreate with a simple example, but haven't been able to
> > do so yet. The list archives reveal little ( though this was
> > tantalizingly closehttp://
> groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/7c35...
> > ).
> >
> > Anybody have any ideas on debugging this little problem?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Aaron
> >

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