On May 12, 6:47 am, zachp <zpice...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... I need the user who does this to be able to select a
> month (and possibly a year) for the drawing she wants to run. I need
> django to convert those two data points into a datetime object for me,
> but it's not readily obvious how to do that.

Are you SURE you need a datetime object?  I'm guessing you will
actually end up needing TWO datetime objects if you continue down that
line of thought (one for the beginning of the month, one for the end
of the month, eh?).

I solved the same problem you're describing, like so:
(paraphrased and may contain typos.  It's also from my Very First
python/django project, so it's far from "optimal".  I don't remember
why I zero-padded the month :-)

class ThingyForm(forms.Form):
  year = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[('2006',"2006"), ('2007',"2007"),
    ('2008',"2008"), ('2009',"2009"), ('2010',"2010"),])
  month = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[('01',"Jan"), ('02',"Feb"),
    ('04',"Apr"), ('05',"May"), ('06',"Jun"), ('07',"Jul"),
('08',"Aug"), ('09',"Sep"),
    ('10',"Oct"), ('11',"Nov"), ('12',"Dec"), ('all',"ANNUAL")])

def thingyview(httpreq):
  today = datetime.now()
  year = str(today.year)
  month = ("0"+ str(today.month))[-2:]
  if httpreq.method=="POST":
    thingyform = ThingyForm(httpreq.POST)
    if thingyform.is_valid():
      year = thingyform.cleaned_data['year']
      month = thingyform.cleaned_data['month']
    thingyform = ThingyForm(initial={'year':year, 'month':month})

Ultimately, I needed the year and month to limit the selections I got
from the database (via django's ORM), and in my case I also wanted the
option to select ALL months for that year.  So here's where the cool
part is, where I do that without needing any datetime objects:

  thingylist = Thingies.objects.filter(funtime__year=year)
  if not month=='all':
    thingylist = thingylist.filter(funtime__month=month)

It's so easy that it didn't even jump out at me on my first read of
the docs.  It's definitely easier than coming up with TWO datetime
objects and filtering Thingies with a funtime between them.


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