On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:48 AM, phoebebright <phoebebri...@spamcop.net> wrote:
> Have been at this now for some hours and still can't see the wood for
> the trees.  Failed to get two signals working - one called on pre_save
> to keep an audit trail of one field on a model (didn't implemenet the
> Audit.py version in the wiki as more complex than I needed).  The
> other to create some default records in a related table.  Both are
> failing with the same error and I suspect I am going to kick myself
> when someone points out the obvious, but here goes.
> Model.py
> (simplified)
> class Version(models.Model):
>        version_no = models.CharField(_('ver'), max_length=10, unique=True)
>        name = models.CharField(_('name'), max_length=50, unique=True)
> class VersionDocs(models.Model):
>        version = models.ForeignKey('Version')
>        doc_content = models.TextField(_('content'))
> class VersionDocsVer(models.Model):
>        doc = models.ForeignKey('VersionDocs')
>        doc_content = models.TextField(_('content'))
> pre_save.connect(keep_version, sender=VersionDocs)
> post_save.connect(default_docs, sender=Version)
> signals.py
> (simplified)
> from devcycle.models import *
> def default_docs(instance, **kwards):
>        try:
>                doc = VersionDocs.objects.filter(version=instance.id)
>        except:
>            ....
> def keep_version(instance, **kwargs):
>        print 'version instance =',instance.id
>        original = VersionDocs.objects.get(id=instance.id)
>        ....
> Using Django version 1.1 beta 1,
> >

What error were you getting?

Those signals both take a "sender" argument as the first instance, so
you might try something like:

def keep_version(sender, instance, **kwargs):

"Sender" will be class of the model that's being saved.


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