{%for item in final_list%}
     {%for val in item%}
            {{val.id}}, {{val.val}}, {{val.msg}}

-----Original Message-----
From: django-users@googlegroups.com
[mailto:django-us...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of laspal
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:47 AM
To: Django users
Subject: Need help for nested list in template

My model is :
   id                  val                             msg
   20                 1234                         text
   20                 1245                        text
   20                 1275                          text
   20                 1356                          text

so I have to display record in calendar format.
I am doing it in this way:
final_list =[]
somelist = [1200, 1250, 1300, 1350, 1400]
val = 0
i = iter(range(5))
    testing_list =[]
    for item in i:
        user_status_list = UserStatus.objects.filter(id =20,time__gte
= somelist[val], time__lte = somelist[val+1))
          for item in user_status_list:


so my final list should look like:

[ [  [20, 1234, sdfs], [20, 1245, sdffd]  ],  [ 20,1275, dfdfgf], [ ],
[20, 1356, dsfdf] ]

wanted to know How can I use this list in my template.
for item in final_list:
     for val in item:
            print val.id, val.val, val.msg

which is wrong.
how can I fix this.


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