also sprach James Bennett <> [2009.05.25.2047 +0200]:
> And, really, this is the sort of thing that leads me to say it
> shouldn't be in contrib right now. We do need to have some sort of
> document outlining criteria, but I'd like to think that commitment to
> a stable API (e.g., the author is willing to call it "1.0"), and to
> support and updates are absolute requirements.

I completely agree, and it was a poor choice of example. After all,
I started "using" Django three days ago, have never used
django-tagging, but it /seemed/ a good example, since it /seemed/ to
fit Jacob's criteria perfectly well.

In the end, at the core of my question was the quest for a document
outlining the criteria, which I think is an important asset for
anyone evaluating Django.

Thank you for getting me/us back on the ground wrt django-tagging.
I'll take a look and since this is a core feature I am seeking,
maybe I can put time into it.

But how do we go about a document to specify what goes into contrib,
beyond Jacob's three criteria?

martin | |
"da haben wir es also: eine kirchliche ordnung mit priesterschaft,
 theologie, kultus, sakrament;
 kurz, alles das, was jesus von nazareth bekämpft hatte..."
                                                 - friedrich nietzsche

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