250 queries on one page seems to me to be dangerously high.  I would
have to guess you could reduce that significantly.  Turn on query
output to see if the Django ORM isn't creating sloppy queries in
loops.  My guess is that with some code alterations you could help....

On May 28, 4:57 am, Stefan Tunsch <stun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a rather strange set up, for running a django intranet site.
> It is currently running on a Windows XP box with Apache 2.2 with
> mod_python and MySQL.
> The site is rather prone with database queries. The most complex page on
> the site reports to be executing around 350 sql queries.
> The site is done with everything in one single django application.
> The views of the site are spread across two files taking close under
> 2000 lines of code.
> I do not cache in any way.
> This is so, because the site is more of a management application than a
> normal public site. There are many parts of each page that are
> calculations that have to be exact and have to be calculated on each
> request.
> In this scenario, I've ended up having a site capable of getting the CPU
> of the box down to it's knees on EACH request.
> Each single request will get the CPU to 100% and the page won't
> completely render before 5-7 seconds have passed. When more persons
> interact with the server, it isn't capable of responding appropriately
> anymore.
> The curious thing is that it's not MySQL that is responsible of all that
> CPU usage, but the Apache process.
> The same thing happens if I load the site with the development server
> via manage.py runserver.
> It's also not my views which are causing the trouble.
> Setting up a timer at the start and end of the most complicated view
> shows that the app gets through that part in approximately 0.2-0.3 seconds.
> It seems clearly that the rendering of the templates is responsible for
> eating up all of the CPU's resources.
> One thing I have  done since the start of the project, and which might
> be part of the problem, has been to end all the views like this:
> return render_to_response('myapp/mytemplate.html', locals(),
> context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> I'm passing the locals() variable dict to the template and also the request.
> This post is to ask for some guidance or ideas on how to tackle the problem.
> I hope there is a simple and obvious reason for this performance
> bottleneck...
> I have started to cache, (currently via the in-memory cache option, to
> keep it simple). The approach is to use the "cache" template tag to
> cache portions of my templates which don't need to be refreshed on each
> request and which do require calls to the database.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> Regards, Stefan Tunsch
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