On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 4:30 PM, SlafS <slaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Im trying to test my app with django test Client.
> When I try to do 'get' to the '/accounts/' which in my urls.py is
> equiv to generic login view I get DoesNotExists exception and a
> traceback. check it here http://dpaste.com/50688/ .
> Can You tell me what am I doing wrong ?

You've apparently got  'django.contrib.sites' listed in your INSTALLED_APPS
and you have set SITE_ID in your settings file to a value that has no match
in your Sites table.  As mentioned here:


the auth app's login view, which the url you are testing is mapped to,
attempts get the current site name (if the sites app is installed) and pass
it as the variable site_name to the template.  It's not finding a match when
it attempt to retrieve the currents (i.e. SITE_ID) site.

> PS. when Im 'get'ing 'accounts/' I Get the "TypeError: 'NoneType'
> object is not iterable"

I believe that's ticket #10834:



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