On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Kevin Audleman <kevin.audle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi gang,
> I am serving my django website out of a sub-folder, e.g.
> http://www.mydomain.com/directory. My hosting provider is WebFaction
> and they've set things up so that the /directory part is stripped from
> the URL before it reaches my django app (so my app sees "/"). In order
> to get django to properly include the /directory to urls it generates,
> I have added the django.root setting to my http.conf. Full file here:
> <Location "/">
>    PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>    PythonPath "['/home/casacasa/webapps/django', '/home/casacasa/
> webapps/django/lib/python2.5'] + sys.path"
>    SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE CasaCasa.settings
>    SetHandler python-program
>    #PythonOption SCRIPT_NAME
>    PythonOption django.root "/directory"
> </Location>
> This works fine for all of the urls I generate through the reverse
> function. However it doesn't work in the admin section for edit pages.
> I can click on a model to see a list of its records, I can click on a
> record to edit it, but when I click Save it takes me to a URL that is
> missing the django.root (of course the page doesn't exist on the
> server so I get a 404).
> This seems like a django bug to me; does anybody know what I can do
> about it?

Please tell us what version or revision of Django you are using.

Ramiro Morales

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