Hi there,

I am struggling with the Historical Records model, which is introduced
in Apress' Pro Django book by Marty Alchin.  (Apologies if this is off-
topic.  I tried to contact the author but never got a reply)

In a nutshell, this is a very clever approach to keeping track of
changes in model instances by copying the whole model over to another
table (and also adding some additional metadata).  And all of this is
done simply by adding a single attribute to the model (implemented as
a specialized manager) .  I have successfully integrated this into my
app, but now running into problems:

The first is, that this approach somehow falls flat on its belly with
self-referential models.  I have somehow worked around this, but thus
destroyed the built-in methods to retrieve the history objects.

The other problem is, that I in general would like to get an overview
over what has changed by retrieving the instances with most recent

So my question is, is anybody else using this approach?  Have you
successfully dealt with these problems?

Or, maybe failing that, how can I tie a manager object into djangos
QuerySet  based retrieval system, so that I can look for instances
that satisfy certain conditions?

I guess this stuff is a bit over my head, so any pointers are really

All the best,  Chris

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