
Returns an absolute URL matching given view with its parameters.

Documentation for using url tag

This is a way to define links that aren't tied to a particular URL

{% url path.to.some_view arg1,arg2,name1=value1 %}

The first argument is a path to a view. It can be an absolute python path or
just app_name.view_name without the project name if the view is located
inside the project. Other arguments are comma-separated values that will be
filled in place of positional and keyword arguments in the URL. All
arguments for the URL should be present.

For example if you have a view app_name.client taking client's id and the
corresponding line in a URLconf looks like this:

('^client/(\d+)/$', 'app_name.client')

and this app's URLconf is included into the project's URLconf under some

('^clients/', include('project_name.app_name.urls'))

then in a template you can create a link for a certain client like this:

{% url app_name.client client.id %}

The URL will look like /clients/client/123/.
Note: you can uncomment admin/doc part from urls.view to see the docs.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Margie <margierogin...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how to use the {% url %} tag in conjunction
> with a context variable.  For example, I have the context variable
> 'app_name' available in my template, and I'd like to do something like
> this:
> <a href="{% url list_{{app_name}} %}">List {{app_name}}</a>
> Anyone know how to do this?
> Margie
> >

Dhruv Adhia

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