On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Joakim Hove <joakim.h...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have just started experimenting with the Django user authentication
> system, I am currently only running with the Python testserver (if
> that matters). In my url.py file I have the following view mapping:
> ...
> (r'^agent/$'  ,   'Sleipner.model.views.agent'),
> .....
> This view looks like this:
> def agent(request):
>     if not request.user.is_authenticated():
>         return HttpResponseRedirect('/Sleipner/login/?next=%s' %
> request.path)
>     else:
>         return render_to_response("model/agent.html" , {"username" :
> request.user.username})
> I.e. if the current request does not come from a authenticated user
> the view should redirect to a page querying for login info, otherwise
> it should render a simple page which displays the username of the
> currently logged in (authenticated) user. Now, what I do not
> understand is that the agent() function above always seems to execute
> the second code branch, i.e. it renders a welcome message to the
> agent, with a valid username, without me ever logging in? It ssems a
> user is automatically logged in - without any effort on my behalf.
> The logout() function also fails with "maximum recursion depth
> exceeded" - which might indicate some auto-login behaviour?
> Any tips greatly appreciated!
> Joakim
> >
Did you log yourself in in the admin without thinking about it?  That's
usually how I end up logged in without realizing it.


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