Nevermind, I was missing something terribly basic and just needed to
stop looking at it for a bit to realize how to combine it.

On May 22, 5:08 pm, Jonathan <> wrote:
> I am sure this is some very easy and simple concept I am just not
> grasping.  I have two views which are very similar.  Both take the
> same variable and iterate the applicable data.  I am trying to get
> them to render on the same template.  However, when I create one as a
> template tag and try to pass the common variable, I get variable is
> not defined errors.
> def projectfilesindex(request, object_id):
>         def store()
>             ...
>         files = ProjectFileUrl.objects.filter
> (project_number=object_id).order_by('-uploaded')
>         if not request.method == "POST":
>                 form = UploadForm()
>                 return render_to_response(
>                         'projects/files.html',
>                         {"form": form, "files": files},
>                         context_instance = RequestContext(request, object_id)
>                 )
>         form = UploadForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
>         if not form.is_valid():
>                 return render_to_response(
>                         'projects/files.html',
>                         {"form": form, "files": files},
>                         context_instance = RequestContext(request, object_id)
>                 )
>         file = request.FILES["file"]
>         filename =
>         content =
>         store(...)
>         p = Project.objects.get(pk=object_id)
>         f = ProjectFileUrl(url=""; + object_id + "_" +
> filename,
>                 name=object_id + "_" + filename, project_number=p)
>         files = ProjectFileUrl.objects.filter
> (project_number=object_id).order_by('-uploaded')
>         return render_to_response(
>                 'projects/files.html',
>                 {"form": form, "files": files},
>                 context_instance = RequestContext(request, object_id)
>         )
> def announce(request, object_id):
>         announcements = ProjectAnnouncement.objects.filter
> (project=object_id).order_by('-date_posted')
>         if not request.method == "POST":
>                 form = ProjectAnnouncementForm()
>                 return render_to_response(
>                         'projects/announcement.html',
>                         {"form": form, "announcements": announcements},
>                         context_instance = RequestContext(request)
>                 )
>         form = ProjectAnnouncementForm(request.POST)
>         if not form.is_valid():
>                 return render_to_response(
>                         'projects/files.html',
>                         {"form": form, "announcements": announcements},
>                         context_instance = RequestContext(request)
>                 )
>         title = request.POST['title']
>         body = request.POST['body']
>         d =
>         p = Project.objects.get(pk=object_id)
>         a = ProjectAnnouncement(author_user=request.user, date_posted=d,
> project=p, title=title, body=body)
>         announcements = ProjectAnnouncement.objects.filter
> (project=object_id).order_by('-date_posted')
>         return render_to_response(
>                 'projects/announcement.html',
>                 {"form": form, "announcements": announcements},
>                 context_instance = RequestContext(request)
>         )
> As they both stand, they work separately.  Every time I try and
> combine them, or make one a template tag, I end up with an error, or
> only getting one to work and the other fails silently.  When I try and
> make one into a template tag, I end up with the "object_id" is not
> globally defined error.
> I'm sure I am missing something really basic.  Does anyone have a
> pointer to get me going in the right direction?
> Jonathan
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