On Monday 22 June 2009 08:06:25 am Vlad(L) wrote:
> Mike, I work on Django 1.0.2 - in this version in settings.py is not
> mentioned at all about Media context processor and RequestContext. To
> me they need to be added in addition most???

It's not mentioned in the settings.py file, but that's why django has great 
documentation available for it.  See the link I posted before on how to use 
the context processors.  If you scroll up a little bit, the same page will 
show you how to use the RequestContext class to your benefit.

In my case I use the render_to_response shortcut in my views and pass the 
context_instance variable set as such: 


Full use is 

sample from views.py

from sample.models import News

from django.template import RequestContext

def index(request):
        qs = News.objects.all()[:5]
        return render_to_response('index.html', 
                                   {'items': qs},

Doing so, django will apply the context processors to your request object, 
adding the contexts for use in your views.

I'm going to make a small suggestion, while the books are a great resource, 
they should be used in addition to the actual documentation available, not 
instead of.  


A sense of humor keen enough to show a man his own absurdities will keep
him from the commission of all sins, or nearly all, save those that are
worth committing.
                -- Samuel Butler

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