Upon further reading I decided that while I do need the developer
tools, that wasn't keeping me from doing this. (still downloading, by
the way.)

I ran the command: sudo python setup.py install

it ran fine, and among the things it told me:
copying build/scripts-2.5/django-admin.py -> /usr/local/bin

then i started python in my root directory, imported django and then
checked the version: 1.0.2


from here, the startproject command works.

I think I'm good. Hey, thanks for the help. It was good to struggle
through this.


On Jun 22, 11:48 pm, 78fxs <smyth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I decided to start over. Threw out the Python and Django folders, re-
> downloaded Python and read the instructions on installing again. When
> I ran the ./configure command, I got the error that there is no
> acceptable C compiler in the $PATH. I looked around online and the
> problem may be that I don't have the developer tools. I don't see any
> development tools in my applications/installers folder. I am
> downloading it now (massive). (I also learned how to add a directory
> to my path, which was nice, though it didn't help me.)
> So once I get that installed, I'll see what happens when i run the
> configure command again. Now, I was able to run python before, so
> perhaps I am wasting some effort. I don't know if that error would
> have prevented me from running it or not.
> Either way, I did not use sudo with the setup.py install, so I'll have
> to do that next time.
> On Jun 21, 8:02 am, Tino de Bruijn <tin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 21 jun 2009, at 05:20, 78fxs <smyth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks for your responses. I think I did run setup.py install, but i
> > > can't remember -- there were a few rounds of this. I will use this as
> > > a guide to see what I did incorrectly.
> > You have to run this as admin, so using sudo. There are quite a few  
> > ways of setting this up, so you might also want to Google it, and see  
> > how others have done it / what works best for you.
> > > Appreciate it,
> > > On Jun 20, 10:31 pm, TiNo <tin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 02:18, 78fxs <smyth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >>> All righty...not only am i new to django and python, i am new to  
> > >>> using
> > >>> the terminal on my mac. so this is going to be mickey mouse stuff.
> > >>> i have a few things going on:
> > >>> 1. i think some of my confusion is knowing where these django and
> > >>> python folders should be. after i install python and django,  
> > >>> should i
> > >>> move the "djanjo-1.0.2-final" and "python 2.6.2" folders to my
> > >>> applications folder?
> > >> No, usually Python gets installed in /Library/Python/2.x ... or in
> > >> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/2.x.. There is no need to move  
> > >> them
> > >> afterwards.
> > >> 2. when i installed django i was told that permission was denied to
> > >>> create /usr/local/bin. i think that is creating a problem for me  
> > >>> now.
> > >>> at one point as i tried to troubleshoot the problem below, i  
> > >>> manually
> > >>> created the directories: ~user/usr/local/bin . Now, that's not where
> > >>> my Python or django folders are - they're in the applications  
> > >>> folder.
> > >>> i don't know if that helped or just screwed it up. is usr/local/bin
> > >>> supposed to be in my root user directory?
> > >> How did you install django? And what version do you want to use  
> > >> (1.0 or
> > >> trunk?)?
> > >> When you run the python setup.py install command under sudo (so  
> > >> sudo python
> > >> setup.py install), you will be able to create the djangoadmin.py  
> > >> file in
> > >> /usr/local/bin
> > >>> 3. when i type the command "django-admin.py startproject mysite" i  
> > >>> get
> > >>> command not found. i believe that is due to django-admin.py not  
> > >>> being
> > >>> on my system path (page 14 of the django book). so, i need to use  
> > >>> this
> > >>> "sudo ln ... " command, right? i found out out where my python site
> > >>> directory is, using this command from Webmonkey:
> > >>> python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print
> > >>> get_python_lib()"
> > >> This is correct, this is because you didn't have permission to  
> > >> install
> > >> django-admin.py in /usr/local/bin, now it is not installed anywhere.
> > >> I get this result: /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages
> > >> This is where all your python site-packages can be placed, like  
> > >> django :D.
> > >> They should go there when you run python setup.py install..
> > >> I've tried a bunch of ways to do the sudo ln command but i can't get
> > >>> it to work. sometimes it says "file already exists" and other times
> > >>> "no such user or directory" or an "illegal option." what is the
> > >>> correct way to enter that command? And do i need to enter my  
> > >>> password
> > >>> for that command, as the Webmonkey tutorial says?
> > >>> By the way,
> > >>> when i type echo $PATH i get:
> > >>> /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin
> > >>> No idea what that means.
> > >> It means that you can run any of the 'programs' or commands in  
> > >> there without
> > >> typing the full path. So if django-admin.py is in one of these  
> > >> directories,
> > >> you could directly run django-admin.py.
> > >> You could also do it like this guy does: [1], installing it in some
> > >> directory (or checking out from trunk), and then simlinking it into  
> > >> your
> > >> ln -s source target        creates a 'symbolic link' (shortcut)  
> > >> from the
> > >> target 'file' to a real source file or directory.
> > >> PATH (check with echo $PATH): these are directories where the  
> > >> system will
> > >> check for commands or programs.
> > >> PYTHONPATH: (check with echo $PYTHONPATH): these are directories  
> > >> where
> > >> python will look when you try to import other python files. So you  
> > >> want
> > >> django to be on your pythonpath, otherwise you won't be able to  
> > >> import it,
> > >> unless it is in the same folder as your project :D
> > >> Hope this gets you started a bit,
> > >> Tino
> > >> [1]http://hurley.wordpress.com/2008/11/04/django-10-install-on-mac-os-x-
> > >> ...
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