have you gone through the below url:


On Jun 22, 5:49 pm, z0n3z00t <maxna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a common site that is used by different clients.  Each client
> wants to be able to custom-brand the site to their liking.
> How it works: I provide a default theme for the site, i.e. templates
> and media, that clients can easily export and customise to their
> liking.  All default template files are stored in a templates/default
> directory on the server, and all default media inside a media/default
> directory.
> When they've done their customisations, clients use a form to upload
> an archive that contains all the template and media files that they
> want to override.  These uploaded theme archives are extracted using
> this convention:  Each customer's overridden templates and media would
> be extracted to templates/custXXX and media/custXXX.
> I quite like the way that the django template loaders are chained
> together in a sequence to find a specific template file - this is
> exactly the way I want my templates to load:  try to find the client's
> custom template inside the client's template folder and, failing that,
> load the default template.
> To do this the template loader needs access to the request object to
> determine request.user and work out which company he belongs to.
> (Only the login page is common across all clients, since the client
> can't be established)
> The problem is that the request object is not passed to the template
> loaders.  John Boxall posted a possible work-around using middleware
> and threading to store the request object 
> here:http://groups.google.co.za/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/cb...
> What I like about this is that it doesn't touch the framework.  What I
> don't like is the fact that it's such an ugly hack.
> Does anyone know of a more elegant solution?  I'd appreciate any ideas
> on how to achieve this without hacking the framework.
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