
I tried to make an initial template tag, just to test and learn, but
it's not working. I followed the instructions here
and registered the compilation function, but it's not finding the
module, like stated here in this stack trace, even though I've saved
the _init_.py file:

The code I used to test it is here:

Any ideas?

Thanks again!


On Jul 3, 3:10 am, koenb <koen.bierm...@werk.belgie.be> wrote:
> On 3 jul, 04:59, diogobaeder <diogobae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > But where do I put the custom template, than? If I load it from an app
> > template, I must create it under <app>/templatetags/, and what if I
> > want to call it from the base template? <project_root>/templatetags/?
> > Thanks!
> > Diogo
> I think you are missing something here: there really is no app
> namespacing in templatetags: if you try to load a tag library, django
> will search the templatetags folders located underneath all installed
> apps. If it finds one that matches, it will use that one. This means
> that you can use a tag library from app X in any template you use (no
> matter where it is located), as long as app X is in the installed
> apps. The downside of this is that you need to name your tag libraries
> wisely, because tags.py in app X and tags.py in app Y will conflict.
> Koen
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