Hi Divesh,

> I have this model that I want to design on Django. I have already
> created the mysql side of it, and the mysql database is ready. Also, i
> have loaded mysqldb and i think it works.

It sounds like you've created something with MySQL and imported it to  
a database that's used by Django.  This is not the same as creating  
actual models in your `models.py` file, which is required if you want  
to make use of Django's querying methods.

> (Species 1 & 2). And then you write a view, that will do the searching
> according parameters (Tolerance, pagination, species 1&2)
> So I have to create something like the website above on Django. Was
> just wondering if there was any easy way of doing this.. I don't fully
> understand Django yet, and am not sure if  have to make a form or
> what? I'm really confused.
> Basically what I want to do is create that type of a site, with only
> one species, and then have it such that when you click the radio
> button next to one species, it shows you what that species corresponds
> to in the mysql database.

You need to take this one step at a time.  You seem to be mixing model  
creation (defining the data structure) with writing views and  
templates (the radio button, pagination, criteria).

  1. Design the model[1] to the specification that is your current  
MySQL schema.
  2. Fill the model with some test data[2].
  3. Use the shell to try to retrieve the objects[3] according to the  
criteria you would get from your user through the view.
  4. Move the queries you've created to a view that renders results to  
a template.  If you start doing this by accepting GET parameters and  
displaying the search results through the template, you can get the  
query functionality working and test it by changing the URL before  
creating the actual search form.
  5. Create the search form, probably using `django.forms`[4] and use  
a `ChoiceField(widget=RadioSelect, choices=...)`[5] to present the  
options to users.

If this is all sounding like nonsese to you, it probably means you  
should spend some time reading up on Django's excellent documentation,  
and if you haven't already, finish the tutorial.

Friðrik Már

  [1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/models/
  [2] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#creating-objects
  [3] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#retrieving-objects
  [4] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/
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