On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:26 PM, selcukcihan <selcukci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Using trunk with apache + mod_wsgi,
> Hi, i also have url problems with admin. First of all, if i use the
> depreciated method(r'^admin/(.*)', admin.site.root) everything works
> fine.
> Well, since there is a new method, i switched to it; using
> (r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)).
> The problem is on www.mydomain.com/admin/ the links for "change
> password" and "logout" (by default on the top right) are corrupt. For
> instance, change password link reads
> http://www.mydomain.com/admin/admin/password_change/
> it seems that the url is formed by appending "admin/password_change/"
> to the current page's url, rather than appending to site root.
> The problem can be found on each page inside admin, for instance on
> users page (http://www.mydomain.com/admin/auth/user/) the link for
> change password reads
> http://www.mydomain.com/admin/auth/user/admin/password_change/
> see the pattern?
> i could not figure out what is causing the problem, any idea/pointer
> truely appreciated

(This question doesn't really seem to have anything to do with the original
thread topic? While your question has to do with urls and this thread title
has an exception that mentions urls, you are not seeing that exception so it
probably would have been better to start a new thread.  Mushing every
conversation that has anything to do with urls into a single thread on this
mailing list would make for one very confusing and disjointed thread.)

What you have described is:


This ticket is the big blocker for getting 1.1 finalized, and is being
actively worked on.  It has a patch you could try.


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