On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Ramdas S <ram...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a web site where around 15 SQL semi complex queries run on the home
> page. Traffic is increasing and the page loads are getting slower. What is
> the best way to cache just the home page. I have already done standard
> memcached on the server.
> Please suggest the best caching options, where we can have page loads (home
> page is about 100 K with the ads). I have fine tuned everything possible
> from client side, like minimifying javascripts/css files and using right
> graphic formats.

I'm a beginner with Django, so I'm curious to hear about Django-specific
approaches.  However, a more general approach would be to put your site
behind a caching proxy like Squid (http://www.squid-cache.org/).  Then all
you need to do is configure Squid to cache your home-page output for
whatever period you require.  One way to do that is entirely with Squid, but
another would be to modify your app to output HTTP cache control headers
(Expires, Cache-Control, etc).  I'm not sure how to do that in Django but I
imagine it shouldn't be too hard.


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