Hi all,

I'm working with models (for a newspaper site) similar to this:

- Abstract class Content with child class Article.
- Each Content object is related one-to-one with a ContentGeneric,
which has a published_status field.
- Articles have related_content, which is a M2M field with

I've implemented a soft delete on ContentGeneric by overriding the
get_queryset method on my manager to only fetch content with active
published_statuses, but when I ask an article for its related_content
via the ORM, references to soft deleted content are obviously still
valid and are returned.

My question is basically: is there a way to make a default m2m manager
that fetches only active content? I'd like to be able to do something
like Articles.related_content.all() and have it return only active
related_content content instances.


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