I am using Django version 1.0.2 final with Python 2.5.2
I have a model called Scheduler in which I have a colomn (called
"parent_id") which define a recursive relationship.
I defined it like this :

class Scheduler(models.Model):
        id_schedule = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
        id_parent = models.ForeignKey("self",db_column='id_schedule')
        id_object_type = models.ForeignKey(ObjectTypes,

I create a new object with :
action=Scheduler(id_schedule = None,id_parent_id=1,id_object_type_id =
2 ......

My problem is that when I want to save the object (with action.save
()), it fails with the following error :

<class 'psycopg.IntegrityError'>ERROR:  null value in column
"id_parent" violates not-null constraint

INSERT INTO "scheduler" ("id_schedule", "id_object_type", ....

So the generated SQL query does not include the id_parent field !
Why ?
What am i doing wrong ?
Thanks for your help

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