On 23 Jul 2009, at 16:30 , nbv4 wrote:
> I'm looking into adding prettier URLs into my site with the help of
> slugs. I've never done something like this before, so I'm doing a lot
> of reading and am having trouble "getting" slugs. When creating URLs,
> couldn't you just do do something like "example.com/45/slug-goes-
> here"? Then have the view only use the 45 (the ID) to look up the blog
> entry (or whatever).

Yes you could.

> It seems that the way
> you're supposed to do it involves a seperate slug field that gets
> stored in the database. What is the point of this? I'm about to
> implement this the way I described above. Is there anything I'm
> missing?

Well I usually set the slug field as the pk (which removes the `id`  
field Django automatically adds to the table). That way I get  
`example.com/slug-goes-here` and the view only uses the slug to look  
up the item, not an artificial ID (naturally one can also consider the  
slug to be artificial: since it's a transformation on the name/title  
of the item/entry, one could use the name/title as a PK, though I  
don't think even Django 1.1's extensions to the ORM handle that kind  
of cases gracefully).

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