It's like this:
I actually have 3 projects. These projects share apps. So all the apps 
besides the third party ones are placed in one folder which is on 
PYTHONPATH. The third party ones are in another folder on the 
PYTHONPATH. Yes 2 of these projects use the admin and do use the 
ModelBackend for authentication, I have django.contrib.auth in 
INSTALLED_APPS for those 2.

But this smaller project I'm asking about provides just a few views for 
a REST API. Now the calls to that REST service are made only by one 
application on the internal network which will have it's own 
username/password in the settings file. And this project doesn't use the 
admin or any of the models in django.contrib.auth (besides returning 
User from the authenticate method in the backend).

So I guess I don't need django.contrib.auth in INSTALLED_APPS for that 

Luke Seelenbinder wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Vasil,
> That will vary on what the apps you are using. If none of the apps
> depend on django.contrib.auth, you won't need it, unless you want to use
> the django admin (which depends on django.contrib.auth).
> To fully answer your question, we would need to know what apps it is using.
> Luke
> "I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
> right to say it." -- Voltaire
> Vasil Vangelovski wrote:
>> I'm making a very small project that will use the apps/models from a 
>> larger one. This will be hosted on a separate domain. Now the larger 
>> project uses the models from django.contrib.auth, but I don't need and 
>> don't want to store users in a database for this smaller one. I'll just 
>> provide my own authentication backend that reads usernames and password 
>> from a config file and uses Base64 authentication. Do I still need to 
>> put django.contrib.auth in INSTALLED_APPS?
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> =qJUh
> >

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