Hi Alex,

When I do that I get a 404 instead of a 302. I also tried changing urls.py
to have a trailing slash but that also gives me a 404. Byt the way, one of
the variables I get in response.context is:

{'request_path': u'/myflow/experiment/1/'}

Thanks for the reply,
On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 5:31 PM, Alex Gaynor <alex.gay...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:26 AM, palmeida<igcbioinformat...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm running a test that fails when using Django's TestCase class, but
> > not when running TestCase from unittest. This is my test class:
> >
> > class LoggedInUser(TestCase):
> >    fixtures = ['myflow']
> >    def setUp(self):
> >        self.client = Client()
> >        try:
> >            User.objects.create_user('user', 'm...@nowhere.com', 'user')
> >        except IntegrityError:
> >            pass
> >        self.client.login(username='user', password='user')
> >
> >    def test_experiment_view(self):
> >        response = self.client.get('/myflow/experiment/1')
> >        print response.context
> >        self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200)
> >
> > It fails with:
> >
> > AssertionError: 302 != 200
> >
> > when using Django's TestCase class, but everything is fine when using
> > unittest. Also, when it fails everything in response seems fine except
> > for response.context (and response.content, of course).
> > response.context gets lots of variables, like MEDIA_URL, LANGUAGES and
> > others. I have no idea where that is coming from.
> >
> > This is the relevant line from urls.py:
> >
> > (r'^experiment/(?P<experiment_id>\d+)$',
> >     'bioinformatics.myflow.views.view_experiment'),
> >
> > And this is the view:
> >
> > def view_experiment(request, experiment_id):
> >    contact = request.user.id
> >    # Filtering on contact and pk to ensure users can only see their
> > own data
> >    exp = get_object_or_404(Experiment.objects.filter
> > (exp_contact=contact),
> >                            pk=experiment_id)
> >
> >    list = generate_list()
> >
> >    files = exp.fcs_set.exclude(name__startswith='myflow_meta')
> >    num_files = len(files)
> >    files = files.order_by('btim')
> >    fcs_list = paginate(files,'fcs_per_page',request)
> >    # Create variable to include (or not) subset column in fcs file
> > list
> >    if len(subsets) > 1:
> >        subset_header = True
> >    else:
> >        subset_header = False
> >    return render_to_response('myflow/view_experiment.html',
> >                              {'experiment': exp,
> >                               'subsets': subsets,
> >                               'parameters': list,
> >                               'num_files': num_files,
> >                               'fcs_list': fcs_list,
> >                               'subset_header': subset_header
> >                              }
> >                             )
> >
> > Thanks for any help. I'm not sure what I can do next to find out what
> > is going on.
> > Paulo Almeida
> >
> > >
> >
> It looks like you have teh APPEND_SLASH setting set to True (the
> default), so Django adds a / to the end of that URL.  Try righting the
> test to that URL with a trailing slash and see if it works.
> Alex
> --
> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
> right to say it." -- Voltaire
> "The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
> "Code can always be simpler than you think, but never as simple as you
> want" -- Me
> >

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