You are correct - it actually didn't work - it just seemed to.

The issue was resolved by installing the latest version of mod_wsgi
from source - I am using ubuntu hardy server edition.

I uninstalled, installed from source, enabled the module using the
original ubuntu config files that were left behind by apt and all is
now fine.  I did notice in my apache logs that mod_wsgi was compiled
against python 2.5.1 and that python 2.5.2 was installed on my system
- I am not sure if that contributed.

The config files needed no change.


On Aug 5, 10:20 pm, Graham Dumpleton <>
> On Aug 5, 11:12 pm, Sean Kemplay <> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I have resolved this by adding user=www-data group=www-data to the
> > WSGIDaemonProcess:
> > WSGIDaemonProcess sean75_ispy user=www-data group=www-data
> That change shouldn't have made any difference as those are the
> defaults for user/group anyway and so aren't required. You only need
> to supply those options if you want to override what the Apache
> defaults are.
> Unfortunately a lot of blog posts show the use of those options with
> same credentials as Apache. It is just a waste of time to do it.
> Best to have just worked through:
> and double check that where you were placing your configuration was in
> fact actually resulting in daemon mode being used, as touching the
> WSGI script file only works for daemon mode.
> Graham
> > Regards,
> > Sean
> > On Aug 5, 1:46 pm, Sean Kemplay <> wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > I have the following in my virtual host config:
> > > WSGIDaemonProcess sean75_ispy
> > > WSGIProcessGroup sean75_ispy
> > > and the following in my django.wsgi:
> > > import os, sys
> > > sys.path.append('/srv/home/sean75/django/')
> > > os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'ispy.settings'
> > > import django.core.handlers.wsgi
> > > application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
> > > Everything is working as expected except reloading the daemon.
> > > When I try touch /srv/home/sean75/django/ispy/apache/django.wsgi it
> > > does not reload and any changes I have made d not show up.
> > > When I run apache2ctl restart, the changes show up.
> > > Has anyone else experienced this?
> > > Regards,
> > > Sean
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