Hi everyone
I'm in trouble because of a form class
I have a form class with attributes defined, but with one thing:
One of the attributes requires the current user, or al least its

The form definition in as shown below:
class SendMessageForm(forms.Form):
        recipientUser = ShowValidContactList(label=u'Send to')
        messageSubject= forms.CharField(label=u'Subject')
        messageContent = forms.CharField(label=u'Content',

As you can tell I'm trying to make a 'Send message' form to make
message sending available in my project... but the recipient user must
be in the contacts list of the current user...
The 'recipientUser' field is a ShowValidContactList
(forms.ModelChoiceField) instance... so it works with a fixed queryset
based on that user (the currently logged-in one)

My problem is that... how can I get the current user information
outside a view and without request objects??
Or... how can I make that form works with a different approach??

Any help would be appreciate!
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