Im not a very good django programmer (actually im just a beginner),
but all this text makes me ask if you have done all the ground work
before starting with a project of this scale? I mean, have you
throught through user cases, drawn bunch of flow charts and
wireframes, figured out and mapped database connections and so on.

All that aside, if i understood you correctly, then system like you
just described already works with CMS's like wordpress or edicy. I
suggest you check out how either of them work. In any case, as i said,
im not very good django programmer, but im quite good project manager
and as far as i see, you do not need generic relations between
different media and your content objects.

I think you could do this with templatetags for example. Modify your
wysiwyg editor interface, so that when you press button "insert
media", it opens modal window where you can select the media object,
that you want to insert. When object has been chosen, you insert
either the HTML code or templatetag of the media object into your
article. Save the article and the content will be loaded along with
the inserted media on the public page.

Quite easy in theory anyway :)


On Aug 7, 9:51 am, chyea <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently sent an email to another Django coder asking for some
> possible feedback on my situation. I'll simply restate the email here,
> because I figured why not ask a bunch of other Django coders, too!
> Here it goes...
> Hi,
> I'm trying to design a django-based gaming news site, and have been
> just confusing myself. I think I'm over-complicating it by trying to
> make it highly dynamic/scalable. Perhaps I can just run my design
> ideas by you and see if you have any feedback for me.
> Conceptually, it's very simple. I want the site to revolve around
> various types of articles - news, interviews, reviews. My thoughts
> were that all of these articles are essentially, at the core, the same
> set of data - a title, slug and the article text (simplified example).
> So, with this in mind I created an abstract base class called Article,
> with those essential elements. Then, I just created classes for News,
> Interview and Review, that subclass the abstract Article base class.
> So, now I've got the core article model classes for my site.
> I'm starting to confuse myself, though, when trying to figure out what
> to do with all the media involved with the site.
> How I have it invisioned is a highly dynamic and scalable setup that
> allows me to tag any number of pictures, videos, or any other model
> really, to any type of Article object. This would result in media
> objects that aren't exactly coupled to any specific Article, and can
> therefor be tagged to any of them, none of them, all of them, etc.
> With this in mind, I thought it'd make sense to create another
> abstract base class for all types of media. Somehow, this abstract
> base class for media objects would contain the proper code that'd
> allow any classes that subclass it to be tagged to any other model.
> The reason I'm thinking of it like this is because imagine a page on
> my site for a News article object. Lets say this News article is about
> how a game developer company is down in profits this year because they
> haven't released a game they announced, yet. This News article would
> have several things related, or 'tagged' to it - a Developer, a Game,
> perhaps some Pictures, maybe a Movie. I'd have existing models for
> Developer, Game, Picture and Movie (ideally). While creating this News
> article, I'd have the ability to just select these related items in
> the admin page. All of this related data would be available to the
> News article object when you query for it, and then all passed to the
> template where I can sort it out there.
> What I've described above sounds like it'd be a very dynamic setup
> that'd allow me to basically create some pretty interesting Articles
> and tag them with relevant data. This beats just using TinyMCE and
> using the formatting it creates to link to YouTube videos, and images
> in my article, on a per-article basis. Does it sounds like I've
> thought this to death, or is what I'm describing possible at all?
> All day today I messed around with generic relationships and
> ContentType. I tried creating an abstract base classes with generic
> relations to other abstract base classes: Article <-> Media
> In the end I'm just high confused and wondering if I'm completely
> complicating this. I know this was long and if you read it this far
> then I greatly appreciate it. I'm looking forward to any insight, or
> advice/feedback you may have!
> Thank you,
> Ryan C
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