Ok, gotcha, thanks!  One final question - on your web page you have a
tutorial and it references a link to the final product of the tutorial


However that link seems to be broken.  If this is something easy to
fix, that would be nice!


On Aug 7, 3:02 pm, Eric Florenzano <flo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   * Does the .5 version work with django 1.1?
> Yes, it should work just fine.
> >   * Do you have any sort of ETA on when you think the GitHub version
> > will be ready for public use?  Is it in a form now that it could
> > actually be used?  IE, if I am willing to dive in and look at the
> > code, does the GitHub code have a reasonable level of functionality or
> > is it completley torn up and non-working?
> It is in working condition right now, and can be used, but no I'm
> sorry I don't have an ETA on when it will be in a releasable state
> right now with docs and examples.
> > Just trying to get an idea if I should go for the new or stick with
> > the old.  I'm fine with diving in and trying to fix bugs as needed,
> > but obviously it is better if there is a base level of functionality
> > working.
> Don't worry, the base functionality is working just fine.  I haven't
> used it in production yet, but I got some prototypes up and running
> and I think it's pretty solid.
> > Thanks very much for the package, it seems very nice.  My goal is to
> > provide a comment interface to my users that is similar to the google
> > groups interface - it seems that threadedcomments is very well suited
> > to that, do you agree?
> Seems like a good fit to me!
> For what it's worth, I recommend just using the 0.5.X release for now,
> because it works just fine and other people in the community have
> familiarity with it besides just myself (for example, most people
> using the comments in Pinax use threadedcomments 0.5.X).  When I do
> finally release the new version, I'll definitely provide a migration
> script.
> Thanks,
> Eric Florenzano
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