On Wed, 2009-08-12 at 19:21 -0700, humble wrote:
> Hi,
> I am writing a web application that involves session management with
> the corporate backend module. I wrote my own authentication backend
> plugin to satisfy the corporate requirement, not the default
> authentication backend. I use file based session engine to avoid
> sqlite crap. Everything works fine in firefox and chrome. But it seems
> to be a problem with IE: response includes a new session ID (actually
> a test cookie) for each request from IE. It seems IE never sends back
> the previous cookie given by the server in subsequent request. Check
> in /tmp/ (where I store all session files), I see the previous session
> file is replaced with a new empty session file.
> Looking in to contrib.session.middleware.py confirms
> "request.session.session_key" is different for each request. However,
> this only happens when I use IE.  I configured IE 7 to allow cookies,
> so it does not reject cookies from django. What might be the problem?
> Has any one seen this issue before?

I've seen it before when the domain being used for the cookie wasn't a
valid domain name. Browsers have blacklists of sets of domains that they
won't accept/send cookies for and they typically won't allow you to set
a cookie for .com, say.

That might be the problem in this case.


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