What I'm doing now is

{% if modelform.instance.id %}
  <input type="hidden" name="pk" value="{{modelform.instance.id}}"/
{% endif %}

#  The POST part of the view method

pk = request.POST.get('pk',None)
if pk:
  model = models.House.objects.get(pk=pk)
  modelform = forms.MyModelForm(request.POST, instance=house)
  modelform = forms.MyModelForm(request.POST)

Anyone else use this approach?


On Aug 15, 12:07 pm, "ristretto.rb" <ristretto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is an excellent thread.  I came here with the same questions as
> Marc.  My revelation seems to be that forms are for data, and saving
> is control.  And these two have separate concerns/goals.  Such that
> fields shouldn't be in forms for the sole reason to make control of
> the form function properly.
> So you can put the id in you forms with a hidden, or in the action=""
> attribute, or using some sort of JavaScript, or whatever.  So, I
> understand that the key should be controlled outside the scope of the
> Django form support.
> But, I wonder if something like {{ form_set.management_form }} for
> formsets could be used here.  Perhaps something like
> {{form.indentifier_key}} on a template in the form could by default
> write out a hidden field of the pk of the instance.  It would just be
> shorthand for putting the instance in the context, and typing <input
> type="hidden" name="pk" value="{{instance.id}}"..../>
> But, it could make your view work like this, so you don't have to
> query up the model instance yourself.
>   f = your_modelform(request.POST)
>   f.instance #  would be the read from the DB and set for you.
> Gene
> On Jul 22, 9:23 am, Shawn Milochik <shawn.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > To expand on  what Dan said with a full (tested and working) example:
> > In urls.py:
> >      (r'^partner/$', 'partner_page'),
> >      (r'^partner/(?P<partner_id>\d+)/$', 'partner_page'),
> > In the form tag of your template:
> >      <form id="approval_form" method="post" action="/partner/{% if  
> > partner_id %}{{ partner_id}}/{% endif %}">
> > The view:
> > @login_required
> > def partner_page(request, partner_id = None):
> >      if partner_id:
> >          #existing partner
> >          partner_instance = get_object_or_404(partner, pk = partner_id)
> >      else:
> >          #new partner
> >          partner_form = partnerForm()
> >          partner_instance = None
> >      if request.POST:
> >          post_data = request.POST.copy()
> >          partner_form = partnerForm(post_data, instance =  
> > partner_instance)
> >          if partner_form.is_valid():
> >              the_partner = partner_form.save()
> >              partner_id = the_partner.id
> >      template_file = 'partner.html'
> >      context = {
> >          'partner_form': partner_form,
> >          'partner_id': partner_id,
> >      }
> >      return render_to_response(template_file, context,  
> > RequestContext(request))
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