On 16/08/09 09:50, GuyBowden wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just wondering what the best way to do this sort of thing is:
> {% with last_tweet_sent this_user as sent_at %}
>       {{ sent_at|naturalday:_("MONTH_DAY_FORMAT")|capfirst}}
> {% endwith %}
> I've got a function "last_tweet_sent" in a templatetags module that
> takes a user and spits back the last time they sent a tweet.
> I'd like to keep the formatting of the date in the template rather
> than in the templatetag module (best practice?)
> But I can't use the with statement to put the result of my function
> call in a variable - I guess because of the spacing there for calling
> the function with an argument.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Guy
Just to clarify, is your last_tweet_sent a template tag or a template
filter? In the first instance you won't be able to do what you want, and
it's probably overkill. In the second instance you should be able to do:

> {% with this_user|last_tweet_sent as sent_at %}
>       {{ sent_at|naturalday:_("MONTH_DAY_FORMAT")|capfirst}}
> {% endwith %}
The template fitler definition would look something like this:
> @register.filter(name='last_tweet_sent')
> def last_tweet_sent(user):
>     # work out when it was and call it dt
>     return dt
The alternative is to make it a method on the user object, but that requires a 
bit more fu in replacing the User model with a custom one. From what I 
remember, [1] is the place that tells you how to do it. Again, this method is 
probably overkill ;-).


[1] http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/jun/06/django-tips-extending-user-model/

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