On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Margie
Roginski<margierogin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I was trying to figure out how to run the date filter, using
> When I grepped in the admin app I found this in object_history.html:
> {{ action.action_time|date:_("DATETIME_FORMAT") }}
> Can anyone give me a pointer as to how this works?  What is '_' in
> this case, and where is it defined?  I see {% load il8n %}, but it is
> very hard to grep for '_', can seem to see where it is being defined
> there.

Sure, the "DATETIME_FORMAT" literal is what we call a technical
message: A clever idea to give translators a way to determine
a few local-dependant info bits (usually date/time output formatting)
using the same infrastructure and tools used for translations
(hence the _()):


(last item in the list).

If I understand things correctly, if/when Marc's GSoC work on this
front gets merged, in 1.2 this will be replaced by similar but
more explicit ways to specify the same info.


Ramiro Morales

PyCon 2009 Argentina - Vie 4 y Sab 5 Setiembre
Buenos Aires, Argentina

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