On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Dennis Fogg<dennisf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> PS: more succinctly: status notifications can happen in many places and
> passing the session to all these places just for the status notification
> does not make the code any clearer.  Thus, I just want to access the session
> as a global variable -- how can I do that?

Sending messages to an user is very much tied to the current request
-- only the current request can tell you which user is active
currently, so whatever way you choose to store and retrieve
notifications (database, sessions etc) you always need the request
object in one way or the other. Really, there is a reason why Django
does not provide global (or thread local) request / user objects. If
you still want do do it, google for "threadlocals user", but I'd
advise against doing that. In the end, it's your decision though.

Btw, I've used this thread locals hack in the past, and it served me
well for some time. It came back to bite me though, and I wish I
hadn't used it; it really makes writing a testsuite a pain; dumpdata
does not work because the manager of a single model depends on a
thread local request object with an authenticated user etc. It's much
better to cope with the need of having to pass the request around than
pick up the pieces afterwards when choosing the simple path now.


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