Look at django-oembed.  A CharField will serve for every (supported)

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 8:17 PM, thornomad <damont...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi - need some suggestions.
> I am trying to put together an app that allows users to submit links
> to videos at popular video sharing sites (e.g., youtube, vimeo, etc)
> -- the links get submitted, data about the video (title, description,
> play count, etc) is collected from the respective site and populates
> model fields, and the video entry is queued for review.
> Caveats: I would like to keep the original "synced" data in its own
> field and the "approved" data (as edited) in separate field.  I
> imagine that the data first gets brought into the "edit" field, admin
> may make changes and save, but the "originating" data will remain
> separate and continue to be updated (synced).
> This means I need at least
> I am stuck, though, on the most appropriate/logical approach to this
> app.  Some approaches I've considered.
> [1] My first thought is to create base model "Video" (with the main
> fields) and then create child models like YoutubeVideo and VimeoVideo
> and BlipVideo ... when the user submits a url, would do a regex on it
> in the view, and send it through the appropriate child class.  I could
> then grab the base Video model in my views (not having to distinguish
> the type of video) and use a "leaf" technique (eg,
> http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1031/) to run the child's
> "sync" or "update" command.  CONS: seems tacky and not easy to build
> on.  The leaf technique isn't working when I override the save()
> function in leaf models.
> [2] Perhaps create only a single model and then create separate
> classes/functions to handle the the syncing of data based on the
> URLField data ... so, perhaps when Video.update() is called, it would
> run the logic then to see what kind of url it has, and how to update
> it.  CONS: I thought maybe I could just create a ForeignKey field to a
> non-model group of classes with common functions (update, sync,
> etc) ... but I am not sure how, or if, I can do that.
> [3] Outsourcing.
> Hope this makes sense and folks have some feedback about how they
> might approach this.  I would like this to be easily expandable -- for
> example, add YouTube and Vimeo support to start, and easily add other
> sites without having to "hack" it.
> I know this is a huge question, but am interested in your "Design
> Approach" thoughts ...
> Thanks,
> Damon
> >

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