On Monday 31 August 2009 05:48:18 am Daniel Roseman wrote:
> On Aug 31, 11:58 am, Mike Ramirez <gufym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Monday 31 August 2009 02:46:27 am Daniel Roseman wrote:
> > > I think you're going to need to post your view code as well. It seems
> > > that the form is passing itself, rather than its data, to the widget,
> > > so I'd guess there's something weird about the way it's being
> > > instantiated.
> > > --
> > > DR.
> >
> > Hereyou go, nothing special.
> >
> > http://dpaste.com/87647/
> >
> > Mike
> OK I think the problem is that you've declared the form's __init__ to
> take an extra argument, userip. So after a POST, in line 6, you're
> correctly instantiating your form with the extra arg. However, on a
> GET, in line 26, you don't pass in any arguments at all, so the
> arguments are all shifted leftwards - what should be in data ends up
> in userip, etc.
> Either make sure you always pass in userip when you instantiate the
> form, or (preferably) change the __init__ so that userip is in the
> kwargs dictionary, and use kwargs.pop('userip') to get its value
> before you hand off to super().
> --
> DR.

Ok, changed the __init__ to look like this:

class ReCaptchaForm(forms.Form):
    captcha = forms.CharField(widget=ReCaptchaWidget)
    def __init__(self,  *args,  **kwargs):
        super(ReCaptchaForm,  self).__init__(self,  *args,  **kwargs)
        if kwargs.has_key('userip'):
            self.userip = kwargs.pop('userip')

The view didn't change much except for this:

    if request.method == "POST":
        userip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
        form = ContactForm(request.POST, userip=userip)

I still get the same error.


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